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Posted by: Rebecca Bazzoni 2 years ago

Bilateral coordination is defined as the ability to use both sides of the body together in a controlled manner and involves the movement of at least two limbs. Many bilateral coordination activities help with balance, body awareness, sequencing, and coordination. Good bilateral coordination is a sign that both sides of the brain are communicating effectively. There are three types of bilateral coordination: symmetrical, reciprocal, and asymmetrical movements. Each type is explained below with examples of activities you can do at home.

Symmetrical Movements involves using both limbs to complete the same activity. To work on this at home, try the following: 

  • Using a rolling pin to roll out dough 
  • Catching a ball with both hands 
  • Jumping jacks or snow angels 
  • Clapping hands 
  • Pushing a sturdy object such as a heavy box, shopping car, or laundry basket 

Reciprocal Movements are when moving two limbs in the opposite direction, but in a coordinated way. Examples of activities include: 

  • Marching 
  • Pedaling a bicycle 
  • Climbing a ladder 
  • Hopscotch 
  • Crawling 
  • Cross crawls: touching your knee with the opposite hand and repeating 

Asymmetrical Movements involve using both hands, but each hand is doing something different to perform the same task. Some examples include: 

  • Using the dominant hand to cut with scissors while the other hand holds the paper 
  • Tying shoelaces 
  • Cutting food with a knife while the other hand is using a fork to stabilize the food 
  • Screwing a nut and bolt 
  • Flying a kite 
  • Learning to play a musical instrument 
  • Stringing beads and lacing cards  
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